Provincial Economic Enterprise and Development Office
1. Administration and management of local economic enterprises of the Province particularly the three(3) Davao del Norte Hospitals – Kapalong, Carmen and Samal Zones, Blood bank and Health Insurance Services, Davao del Norte Sports and Tourism Complex and DavNor Pharmacy as viable and self-sustaining revenue generating centers to achieve enhanced local autonomy and self-reliance in fiscal administration.
2. Provide financial risk protection to indigents of the province through Philhealth enrollment.
1. Improved quality of access to hospital/healthcare and other basic services.
2. Increased local revenue generation
1. Upgraded equipment/facilities/technologies/services capabilities and enhanced human resource skills and expertise to improved hospital care service delivery.
2. Adequate supply of safe blood and by-products.
3. Maximized healthcare services offered to Philhealth sponsored members.
4. Self-sufficient economic enterprise operations.
5. Effective and innovative revenue strategies.