The province of Davao del Norte clinched this year’s “Beyond Compliant” award in the22nd Gawad Kalasag Seal for Excellence in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Humanitarian Assistance for the Local DRRM Councils and Offices.
It is the first national Gawad Kalasag Award of Davao del Norte, which is the only province in the Davao Region to have received the highest award for excellent disaster risk management and resiliency this year.
Four LGUs in the province also got the “Fully Compliant” seal, which include Tagum City, Kapalong, Carmen, and the Island Garden City of Samal.
Based on the guidelines issued by the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC), LGUs that garnered an assessment rating of 2.5 to 3 get the Beyond Compliant seal, while those that receive a rating of 1.5 to 2.49 get the Fully Compliant seal.
Governor Edwin “Kuya Gov” Jubahib offered the award to the people of Davao del Norte, as he thanked the personnel of the Provincial DRRM Office and the members of the Provincial DRRM Council, together with the various LDRRMCOs.
He said the all-out commitment of the stakeholders defined the success of the province in meeting the standards of the DRRM, based on Republic Act 10121, otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010.
The governor cited the gains of the province in strengthening DRRM and climate-change adaptability, through reliable and efficient pre-warning information disseminationsystem and effective response, among the other thematic areas of DRRM.
Jubahib also acquired a new fleet of rescue vehicles and equipment of the province, which include 15 light rescue vehicles, two heavy-duty rescue vehicles with crane, five heavy-duty rescue vehicles, rubber boats, five ambulances, and two mobile hospitals.
The province further purchased two more crawler hydraulic excavators to augment the water master dredging machine used in desilting rivers and tributaries to help address perennial flooding in the province.
Beyond the award, PDRRMO Head Glenda Delideli lauded the full support of the governor to all the DRRM programs, projects and activities of the province, to ensure the safety of the Dabaonon people during disasters, and to help them build back better.
The NDCC bared there are 135 Beyond Compliant and 436 Fully Compliant LGU-awardees, out of the 1,715 LGUs assessed this year.
Since 1998, the NDCC has been giving the Gawad Kalasag Award to recognize the exceptional contributions of government agencies, LGUs, private sector and various DRM practitioners in rebuilding the resilience of the nation and communities to disaster. Nobags

In this file photo, Davao del Norte Governor Edwin Jubahib distributes food packs to victims of flooding in Tagum City last year.

In this file photo, a watermaster dredging machine conducts desilting and dredging operation at the mouth of the Libuganon River to minimize overflowing and flooding in some parts of the province.